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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Creative Eclipse Party

Good day my friends!
Today I'm showing you something a little different.
Where I live in Western NY State was right in the path 
of the recent solar eclipse.
My sister in law decided they would have an eclipse
party and she went all out with the theme.
The garage door was decorated with a backdrop for pictures
and information about the eclipse.
She made little signs for the food.
This was for little sandwiches on croissants.
We all contributed to lunch with a variety of salads.
Sun Chips were an appropriate snack.
And Sunflowers decorated the table.
For a sweet treat there were Milky Way bars.
Dessert was lemon meringue pie
Coconut cream dessert
and homemade Moon Pies.
ALL the food was Sunsational!
Here's our little Marie with her special 
eclipse glasses on.  Jaryd attached them to
a paper plate to be sure she wasn't looking aournd
the glasses rather than through them.
It was very cloudy here in WNY,
but we did have some breaks in the clouds 
and we did get to see the eclipse and get some
These are a couple that I took during the
total eclipse.  It was an amazing thing to
experience. The darkness came on pretty quick
and left fairly quickly.  During the total eclipse,
it was pitch dark out.
Then the moon was moving on and the sun
was peeking out again.
Here's a picture of me, Dave, our friend Zoe
and Marie.
We had a fabulous time, it was something we'll always remember
and probably won't experience again.
Where were you during the eclipse?
Did you see it at all where you live?

Thanks for stopping by today.
Come again soon,
until then,
do something memorable.


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