My Other Pages

To make it easier to read about our trip to Ireland, I have made a page that is just for that. There is a tab above for Ireland Trip 2014 or click on the Home tab to read my other posts. I have also created a new page for My Weight Loss Journey if you are interested in that, click on the tab above.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Pride Fest Shirts

A couple weeks ago, my girls, Clumsy Cloud Gifts, were vendors at the 
Rainbow City Pride Fest in Niagara Falls.
Sara mentioned that she was checking out shirts for the kids,
so being the G-Ma that I am, I told her that I would make 
some shirts for them.
This is the design I came up with.
I love how they turned out, just wish the yellow L 
showed up a little better.
I made a purple one for Marie,
and a black one for Asher.
I thought they were pretty cute and so did the girls and the kids.
Here is Marie all dressed for the festival.
And Asher with some rainbow cheeks and chin.
Kelsie and Sara were also dressed for the occasion.
Kelsie's shirt said "Free Auntie Hugs" and Sara's 
said "Free Mom Hugs"
They each gave a few hugs that day.
Another picture of Marie all decked out.
The festival was a lot of fun,
here is a picture of me with the kids at
the craft table.  They had so much fun doing
crafty projects and talking with the drag king.
Marie and I saw our first drag show and
enjoyed it a lot.
In our family we don't discriminate and we believe
that love is love.
Marie informed me on the way home that there are
mean people in the world who don't think 
women should love women and 
men should love men.
She was totally appalled, because 2 of  her other 
grandmothers are a lesbian couple.
We had a very good talk about people loving whoever they
love and that's okay.
Clumsy Cloud Gifts did very well at this festival
and we will all be going back next year.

Thanks for stopping in to see what I've been up to.
I hope you will come again soon.
Until then,
be an ally to someone who needs it.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bridal Shower Layouts w/Fussy Cutting and Pockets

Hello crafty friends!
Today I'd like to show you a couple layouts I created
for Kelsie and Brad's wedding scrapbooks.
This layout is from the bridal shower.
For the left page, I fussy cute the wreath of flowers
from a 12x12 piece of patterned card stock. Then 
added the picture of them to the center.
The page on the right, I fussy cut the flowers from 
another sheet of the same card stock.
I love how this turned out, this is one that I showed
Kelsie and she loved it too.
I wanted to put her cards and gifts inserts into the album,
so I decided to create a layout with a couple pockets to
hold them.  This is what I came up with.
I made the pockets and cut the little umbrellas with a die
and a Sizzix, yes, the old fashioned kind.
All the cards and gift inserts fit nicely and they
will be able to take them out whenever they want
to look at them.
I've gotten quite a bit done on their albums, but I still have
a ways to go.  Yes, it's been over 2 years since the wedding,
I'm a very slow scrapper, but it will get done.
Jaryd and Sara's wedding books ended up being 6 books
and I'm sure Kelsie and Brad's will be just as many.

Thanks for stopping by today, I hope you have been 
inspired in some way and will come back soon.
Until then,
create with love.