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Saturday, June 8, 2024

English Muffin Bread and Oatmeal Bread, Sooooo Good!

Hello creative people!
Today I'm showing you some bread that I made.
I consider cooking and baking to be creative, so here it is.
When I was on a recent trip and scrapbooking crop with 
a friend, we stopped at a market to pick up a few things.
One of the things we bought was a loaf of English Muffin Bread.
It was delicious!
I knew another friend had a recipe, so I got it 
from her and made it.
Oh My Goodness!
It was really very simple to make and look how good they
turned out.
The inside is full of nooks and crannies to hold the 
butter or what ever you like on it.
Toasted up with butter, sooooo delicious.
And, yes, that is toasted, I like my toast very light.
Here is the recipe for this
Next time I'm going to make individual 
English muffins and see how that works.
I decided it was time to try a recipe I have for 
Oatmeal bread.
This too, was very easy to make and it turned out great.
Isn't it beautiful?
Nice and soft inside, great for toast or for a sandwich.
Great any way you use it.
I think I could have not let it knead quite as long
to get a more textured loaf.  I'll try that next time.

Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been up too.
I hope you'll give these recipes a try and come again soon.
Until then,
bake away!


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