My Other Pages

To make it easier to read about our trip to Ireland, I have made a page that is just for that. There is a tab above for Ireland Trip 2014 or click on the Home tab to read my other posts. I have also created a new page for My Weight Loss Journey if you are interested in that, click on the tab above.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Playing With Watercolors

Hello crafty people!
I have always loved watercolors and recently decided 
that I was going to play with watercolors more.
Here are a couple pieces that I did recently.
This isn't the best painting ever, but I like how it turned 
out.  I think for someone that doesn't have a lot
of experience with painting, it isn't too bad at all.
One thing I've read and seen in a lot of videos
is to practice, practice practice.
That's what I was doing with this piece.
Doing the same thing over and over certainly
helps you become more comfortable with the
brushes and paints and how they work for you.
I just started painting these leaves and continued 
until I covered the paper.
They may not be the best paintings ever, but they are
getting me used to the supplies and you know what
they say, practice makes perfect.
I'm not ever expecting to be perfect, but 
better will be good.

Thanks for coming and spending a little time with me.
Wishing you a happy and healthy day.

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