Hello everyone!
I haven't done a tutorial in ages and thought this was
such an easy little project that it would be one
that everyone can make.
These cute little pockets are easy and quick to make.
You can use them to hold a note for hidden journaling,
to hold a tag or a picture, or maybe a piece of memorabilia
on a scrapbook page. They are also great to use on cards
for a gift card or a little note or even a tag on a gift.
Use them in any way you can think of.
The larger one measures
2.5"x3.75" the smaller one is 1.25"x2.25"
You can start with any sized piece of paper or
card stock, as long as it is square. This one is
5.25' square.
Fold square corner to corner and crease.
Then fold the opposite way and only put a small crease
in the center to show where the center of the
square is.
I have marked the center here to show where it is.
For mine I measured 1.25" from the center on each side
along the crease and marked it with a pencil.
Now fold corner over to meet the pencil mark on the
opposite side.
Fold both sides over in this manner.
If the corner is extending over the edge fold,
I snip it off, both inside and outside.

Now fold it along the crease and you have a cute
little pocket.
I glued my pocket backs together from top to bottom,
but if you'd like a little slide through area, you can
just glue them together at the peak area only.
This is a piece of paper I had in my handmade background
stash. I wish you could see the shine this has,
it's really beautiful in real life, but doesn't show
the shine in the photo.
I didn't like the back of the paper, as it was white and
a mess with random ink spots.
I took another scrap piece and glued it to the inside of the
pocket to cover the messy area.
Here are a few of the pockets I made in various sizes.
This is a larger pocket that I made with a piece that
was approximately 12"x12".
Again the back of the piece was a mess, so
I cut off the top peaked part of the back and
glued it inside the pocket.
Here you can see where I cut it off and then
glued the bottom to the back of the pocket.
I had 2 small pieces of background paper in my
I loved how they worked together, so I glued the 2 pieces back
to back to make this little pocket.
It turned out really cute,
since it was 2 pieces glued together, they were a bit thick
and didn't fold well and split at the bottom.
I did score them first, but they still split.
So, just be aware that this can happen.
If you want the inside and outside looking
pretty, this may work with paper rather than card stock,
or you can use double sided paper or card stock
or use the method I used above.
Thanks for stopping by today,
I hope you have learned something new today
and maybe will give these little pockets a try.
Until next time,
make someone smile.